Certified Points of You Trainer, Experienced Leadership Coach
History and Origin
At the age of 10, my mother taught me how to design school presentations as narrations illustrated by photographs projected on a screen.
Then we would build a slides reel with photos of the trips to Peru and Antarctica, among others, and we would prepare captivating presentations
of the Incas or about life in Antarctica for the history and geography classes.
This is how, throughout all my life, visual presentations had a great influence on both my professional and personal activities.
When I got my degree as an ontological Coach and when I learned about Points of You®, I could not believe the synergy that could be
generated between my method, AVK INSPIRATIONAL COACHING, and the tools of POY.
They were a perfect match!
I had first created a golf program to improve the players´ performance to the once I added the tools of POY and I presented it to get certified.
I remember the day I presented my workshop and Efrat asked me where I had learned to make those photographic presentations and then
I told the story that I just told you before.
After one year I had presented it in the USA to the American PGA, who had been surprised by the excellent results among the golf players.
After more than 4 years since my certification program and going through the amazing experience of working with Efrat, Yaron, and Talia in
Washington during the Exposition of Training and Development, I decided to create other programs that could give the tools a powerful
frame of contents.
“Wellness in the workplace” halleluiah!
It was the key I needed to enter the corporate world since as Life Coach I was afraid to enter that area whose codes I was totally unaware of.
To avoid the feeling of frustration from not being able to get clients, I began to offer free demos to companies of friends and acquaintances,
who were not only surprised and extremely grateful for choosing them to test the program, but at the same time, they began to recommend
me to other companies.
Soon after having worked with these companies, Talia called me to suggest a workshop in Jerusalem and although I was afraid of having
to present it in a language that is not mine, it was also a great challenge and a great opportunity to show the world what my mother
and I had created back in 1971. So I said yes.
When I saw the encouraging responses from my colleagues at the Global Workshop of the 10 years of POY, I thought that this should
not be limited to the land closest to Antarctica, and I should create the opportunity to expand it to the whole world.
I hired specialists in Branding, a lawyer in franchising, patents and brands, a commercial advisor and I began to work hard with each one of them.
I developed it in Spanish and English and patented it under my name.

Cycle of wellness and Life Quality, under the umbrella of Spreading Wellness Over the World
A program that improves the quality of life in companies and coexistence in schools preventing bullying.
Cycle of Wellbeing and Quality of Life is a program that aims to improve the development of human beings,
so that they can improve their work, their interpersonal relationships, their projects, etc.
The structure of the program is based Ontologic Coaching & Mentoring contents translated in images.
So is not only very attractive for the audience but also very easy to follow and to understand.
This structure allows educational and business entities whose majority fear for the vertical or pyramidal break of its members
in the face of processes that may involve important changes, feel familiar with the pedagogical and didactic imprint of the design of each module.
It is divided into three modules that address issues of life itself that are assembled so as to promote responsibility
and commitment to generating a better quality of life for oneself and those around us.
It is absolutely agile and interactive with dynamics that enrich the process of awareness and although the dynamics can
occur with different tools, I work with Points of You (Faces, TCG, Refresh, and Punctum) since they bring deep discovery
from an entertaining and playful approach and which complement perfectly with the precise structure of the program contents and times.
“Spreading wellness over the world” means much more than a nice name and a good idea.
It is a real key to reach the most complex organizations which, due to their complexity, are the ones that need it the most.
Is there any organization that can refuse to experience an international program that promotes well-being and genuine communication?
I am really happy to be working with colleagues like Adriana Govea from Mexico and with whom we are in full launch of the first TTT
of the Cycle of Wellness and Quality of Life Quality in her country.
During June and July 2018, I will start with online training for all those who wish to participate in this international wellness network
and have a unique training program for your clients and collaborators.
Dear colleagues, the tools of POY are really incredible; they only need you to give them a contention framework with your personal style,
with your own passion. Mine is AVK INSPIRATIONAL COACHING.